Top rated - Art by Donna! SOLD.....! |
"Waterfall"753 viewsThis was my first painting and and represents a waterfall at night. It is large and was a gift to my youngest son, Donnie.
Gift. (2 votes)
"Fall and Winter"569 viewsOne half is Fall and the other is Winter. This is a very large painting and is the first one I sold. Yea!
Sold (1 votes)
"Katrina"527 viewsI painted this while Katrina was hitting the gulf region. I tried to capture the wind. Sold. (1 votes)
"Kissing Faces"634 viewsI had no idea what I was painting and then I saw these two "kissing faces". This is my favorite one. Sold. (1 votes)
"A little emotion"2257 viewsI loved my dear father but he was rather controlling. The dark shadow to the right represents my father. The figure on the left is me throwing my arms up in frustration. Sold. (1 votes)
"Issues"764 viewsAlot of issues in my life when I created this painting.
Sold (1 votes)
"An eye on the plants"1604 viewsI painted this for my friend Carl. He had alot of houseplants but would forget to water them. The dark "eye" to the right of the painting near the soil is reminding him to "Keep an eye on the Plants". Gift. (1 votes)
"Family Tree"1370 viewsSix faces - six people in my family. I'll never tell who the face with horns is supposed to be :) Sold. (1 votes)
"Bluebird"1269 viewsNo explanation required here. I was commissioned by my friend Dick to paint several pastel paintings for his home. I had a blast creating them. Sold. (2 votes)
"Lava lamp"839 viewsI always loved those lava lamps! Sold. (2 votes)
"Pastel Mountains"503 viewsFor my friend Cindy who loves the mountains and pastel colors. Sold. (2 votes)
"Cave Drawings"528 viewsSold (1 votes)
"Quilting Shapes"460 viewsSold (1 votes)
"In the classroom"558 viewsThis reminds me of being in class in our neat little rows. Sold. (1 votes)