Last additions - Art by Donna! SOLD.....! |
"Blue Music"667 viewsWatercolor. Sold.Feb 06, 2012
"Julio"418 viewsUnframed watercolor. SoldFeb 06, 2012
"Angels"684 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Cave Drawings"528 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Mud Bugs"875 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Pond"519 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"FishBowl"511 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Court Jester"494 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
Waterfall948 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Tsunami"528 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Loggerheads"646 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Quilting Shapes"460 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"People On Top of the World"1365 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"People on top of the World"803 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Pastel Mountains"642 viewsSoldFeb 05, 2012
"Here comes the Sun"556 viewsSold.May 23, 2011
"Fall and Winter"569 viewsOne half is Fall and the other is Winter. This is a very large painting and is the first one I sold. Yea!
SoldMay 23, 2011
"Tia's Colors"506 viewsMy hairstylist, Tia, commissioned me to create these 4 paintings for her living room wall. She has a favorite artist and asked that I paint something similar to his work and I did my best. Sold.May 23, 2011
"Parallel Paths"553 viewsFeeling tribal when I painted these 3.
AvailableMay 23, 2011
"Front Porch"489 viewsA cabin's front porch. Sold.May 23, 2011